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Alter Ego 5- C1-C2 Student’s Book & Audio CD


Publisher: Hachette

ISBN: 9782011557971

    • Author : Annie Berthet
    • Binding : Paperback
    • ISBN-10 : 2011557976
    • ISBN-13 : 9782011557971
    • Language : English
    • Level : Advanced
    • Market  : Teen/Adult
    • Pages : 216
    • Publisher : Hachette
    • Publishing Date : June,2010
    • Series  : Alter Ego 5
    • Subtitle : Textbook
    • Subject : French
    • Weight  : 589g

    Alter Ego 5  is the first true C1 > early C2 level method

    It is aimed at learners who have acquired a B2 level.

    Alter Ego 5  aims to acquire the skills described in the C1 level of the CEFR and allows preparation for the DALF C1. This method is based on oral and written learning sequences through societal issues: 

    • Changes
    • New Issues
    • DreamsThe cultural perspective will enable the learner to master the references common to all French people. The written and oral documents of the method have been selected for their variety and are all authentic.


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