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Saison 4-B2 Livre De L’Élèv E


Publisher: Goyal Publishers

ISBN: 9782278081103

  • Author: Dorothée Dupleix, Delphine Ripaud, Isabelle Cros, Caroline Mraz
    Binding: PAPERBACK
    ISBN-13: 9782278081103
    Language:  FRENCH
    Level:  B2
    Publisher:  Goyal Publishers
    Publishing Date: 25-11-2015
    Subtitle:  TEXTBOOK
    Subject: FRENCH

Saison covers levels A1 to B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The series encourages dynamic progression whilst developing vocabulary acquisition, phonetics and grammatical understanding. The course provides a simple and structured approach to learning the French language. It encourages students to pick out key information, understand it, retain it and then reuse it in spoken or written form. Each chapter includes a variety of exercises and a cultural element to help students become more aware of the richness of French culture. Student evaluations and tests are all provided in the same format as the DELF examinations to enable to students to become familiar with the format. The audio CD provides all of the oral comprehension exercises and the DVD enables students to be able to watch authentic videos.


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